Provision of Executive Recruiting Services for Metrolinx
1.0 General
Metrolinx will be issuing this Request to Qualify and Quote to retain the services of a Vendor, described herein. Metrolinx intends to notify a Proponent of acceptance of its Submission and enter into a Contract through an open, fair and competitive process.
If you are interested please complete the attached Non-disclosure Agreement. The CLOSING DATE for submitting the Non-disclosure Agreement is June 12, 2019 at 3:00:00 p.m. Toronto time. All Vendors who submit an executed Non-disclosure Agreement will be invited to submit a Submission for Request No.s RQQ-2019-HRDV-305 and RQQ-2019-HRDV-312, as required by Metrolinx for the Provision of Executive Recruiting Services.
2.0 Introduction
Metrolinx is a crown agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, reporting to the Ministry of Transportation. It was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The Metrolinx mandate includes delivering the best possible transportation services today while leading the way to an even better, more convenient service tomorrow; making the best possible use of public transportation investment dollars; and measurably improving the quality of life in the region.
3.0 Background
Metrolinx continues to grow and expand its reach and connect communities in a better, faster and easier way. On May 2, 2019, the Ontario government introduced legislation to transfer ownership of four (4) transit expansion projects in Toronto to the Province. Bill 107, The Getting Ontario Moving Act, assigns responsibility for designing and constructing subways and managing the projects to the provincial agency Metrolinx. Bill 107 includes five (5) separate schedules, with Schedule 3 pertaining to Metrolinx. Schedule 3 amends the 2006 Metrolinx Act, allowing the Lieutenant Governor in Council to relegate sole responsibility for rapid transit design, development or construction projects to Metrolinx. The government may transfer assets, liabilities, rights and obligations related to that project to Metrolinx. Transit projects may be subject to the Minister’s direction and the Minister may issue directives to the City of Toronto and its agencies about that project. These proposed changes will impact the roles and responsibilities of Metrolinx and its employees. As a result, Metrolinx is looking for a firm to keep source expert executive transit talent.
The government expects to pass this bill before the legislature rises for the summer on June 6, 2019 and noting that the Act only applies to new lines or extension of those already in place.
4.0 Objective
The objective of the Request to Qualify and Quote (RQQ) is to solicit proposals from Proponents for the provision of Executive Recruiting Services for serveral roles. The requirements will be more particularly described in Scope of Work of the Request Document when issued.