Request For Pre-Qualifications
Pre-Qualification No. SQ-2019-PMUN-051
Prequalification for the Track Protection Services for Metrolinx Owned Corridors
Metrolinx is issuing this Request to be Prequalified to establish a Prequalified List of Contractors for track protection of main and non-main tracks for Metrolinx as further described herein.
The Prequalified List of Contractors shall be required for the provision of track protection for various projects undertaken by Metrolinx on Metrolinx owned Rail Corridors and yard locations within Metrolinx’s current and future service areas. Such projects may include, but not necessarily be limited to:
(A) station platform activities;
(B) track and signal construction;
(C) grade separations; and
(D) bridge widening and construction
Pre-qualification Submissions will be accepted until the Closing of 3:00:00 p.m., Wednesday August 28, 2019, via Metrolinx Merx Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) and will be opened by Metrolinx staff as soon as is practicable after the designated Closing.
Pre-qualification documents are available online at, Merx Reference Number,
Only those Proponents that Metrolinx has determined, in its sole discretion based on the Evaluation Criteria stated herein, to be qualified will be added to the Metrolinx Prequalified List of Contractors for the Work.