To: All Metrolinx Vendors
From: Metrolinx Finance - Accounts Payable
Date: Friday, March 20, 2020
RE: Request to Pay Vendors by Electronic Funds Transfer & Receive Invoices Electronically
Dear Vendor,
Please forward this message to your Invoicing or Accounts Receivable Department. This communication applies only to vendors that meet one or both of the criteria (otherwise, no action required):
- You are currently sending invoices to Metrolinx via mail (hard-copy); and/or
- You are receiving payment from Metrolinx via cheque
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Metrolinx is requesting all of its vendors to send invoices and receive payments electronically. This action will ensure that Metrolinx continues to pay your invoices on-time because manual processes to receive hard-copy invoices or issue cheques may be delayed due to reduced staff working on-premises.
The following changes are to be implemented immediately:
- All invoices* must be sent electronically.
- If you are currently sending hard-copy invoices to your Metrolinx Business Unit or Project contact, please send your invoices via email to your Metrolinx Business Unit or Project contact at:
Business UnitEmail
Station OperationsInvoicing.Stations@metrolinx.com
GO ExpansionRERInvoices@metrolinx.com
Rapid TransitRTI.Invoices@metrolinx.com
Presto PRESTO_AP@metrolinx.com
Business TechnologyIT.Invoices@metrolinx.com
- If you are currently sending hard-copy invoices directly to Metrolinx Accounts Payable, please send your invoices via email to: payablesrequest@metrolinx.com
- All payments from Metrolinx to its vendors will be made by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). If you are not currently set-up to receive payment by EFT, please contact Metrolinx at: Vendorform@metrolinx.com
*To enable efficient processing of your invoice, please ensure that complete and accurate information is included. For example, purchase order number and primary Metrolinx contact, where applicable.
Any questions regarding payments by EFT can be directed to Vendorform@metrolinx.com. Questions regarding sending invoices electronically can be directed to your Metrolinx Business Unit, Project contact, or payablesrequest@metrolinx.com, as applicable.
Thank-you for your support and cooperation.
Accounts Payable
To: Metrolinx Vendors
From: Metrolinx
Date: March 18, 2020
Re: COVID-19 Vendor Travel
Metrolinx is actively monitoring the ongoing global COVID-19 situation. Given the international nature of Metrolinx’s suppliers, contractors and vendors and with the Government of Canada advising that all non-essential travel be avoided, including non-essential travel across the Canada- U.S. border, we are asking you to take precautions to ensure the health and safety of your employees as well as that of Metrolinx employees and customers.
Under the direction of the Government of Canada, all travellers arriving in Canada will have an enforced 14-day self-isolation period.
Vendors with staff who will be travelling to Canada for business critical work related to a Metrolinx project are asked to consider whether this travel is absolutely necessary and if possible explore other ways to deliver these services.
Vendors are asked to ensure there are mechanisms in place for your employees who are in Canada to report any changes in health status, especially potential symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms can include fever, cough, muscle aches and tiredness and difficulty breathing. Any contractor, supplier or vendor visiting or working at Metrolinx facilities is expected to follow the same health and safety protocols as all Metrolinx employees. Specific safety concerns should be raised with your primary Metrolinx contact.
Should an employee start experiencing symptoms while within Canada on business, they should contact the local public health unit (Ontario: 1-866-797-0000; Toronto Public Health: 1-416-338-7600) or the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 hotline: 1-833-784-4397.
If you have any questions about the steps Metrolinx is taking, or for further direction please contact your designated Metrolinx contact.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
To: Metrolinx Vendors
From: Metrolinx Procurement Services
Date: February 27, 2020
Re: Coronavirus Information Update – March Break and Metrolinx return-to-work policy expanded to include additional travel locations
Metrolinx continues to monitor the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation both globally and within Canada.
In recent days there has been a surge in cases reported globally and public health officials are encouraging Canadians to remain vigilant, follow proper handwashing, cough and sneeze etiquette, and remain home if sick. Two new cases were recently reported in Ontario. Both individuals are now in isolation at home under the supervision of health authorities.
The Canadian government has added Iran, Italy and the Republic of Korea to the list of countries with a high degree of risk, due to localized coronavirus outbreaks, and has asked recent visitors to these countries to self-quarantine for the established 14-day period in which the coronavirus is transmissible.
In line with our previous direction, Metrolinx’s Incident Command Team has expanded the return-to-work policy for both contractors and employees who are returning from these locations. Metrolinx HR Services has provided guidance to people leaders in handling these situations and managing employees’ return to work. As we approach March Break, we’d like to remind you to take similar precautions with your employees who are returning to work or who may be planning travel to any high-risk areas, and who will be attending Metrolinx work locations.
If you have any questions about the steps Metrolinx is taking, please contact Vito Mangialardi: Senior Manager: Business Continuity Management Office: 416.202.7751 and /or Email: mailto:Vito.Mangialardi@metrolinx.com.
We thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding.
Don Dinnin
Vice President, Procurement Services
To: Metrolinx Vendors
From: Metrolinx Procurement Services
Date: February 10, 2020
Re: Coronavirus – Self-Quarantine Post Travel to China
Metrolinx is actively monitoring the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) that originated in Wuhan, China. Precautions are being taken by China as well as other countries worldwide to limit travel to and from mainland China. Given the international nature of Metrolinx’s suppliers and contractors and with the Government of Canada advising that non-essential travel to China and all travel to Hubei Province should be avoided, we wanted to make you aware of additional precautionary actions being taken.
Metrolinx is assessing its employees who are returning to Canada after traveling to China and other high risk zones. Metrolinx employees returning from visits to mainland China will be required to self-quarantine for fourteen (14) days at home on paid leave. Employees travelling from other parts of China such as Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan, or other high-risk zones, will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
As a Metrolinx third-party vendor, we are asking you to take similar precautions with your employees who are returning to work after travelling to China and other high risk zones and who will be attending Metrolinx work locations.
Metrolinx is taking these measures out of an abundance of caution and it is in no way meant to punish or stigmatize individuals, or create fear. It is important when taking preventative measures to balance the need for information that will help keep employees and customers safe, with employees’ right to privacy. If you have any questions about the steps Metrolinx is taking, please contact Jeff Harris, Senior Manager - Safety, at mailto:Jeff.Harris@metrolinx.com?subject=Coronavirus Self-Quarantine
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Best regards,
Don Dinnin
Vice President, Procurement Services