Call For Tenders
Pre-Qualification No. SQ-2020-ENTS-072
Prequalification for Track contractors for Metrolinx Rail Right-of-Ways
Metrolinx is issuing this Request to be Prequalified to establish a Prequalified List of Contractors to carry out the Track Construction on Metrolinx Rail Right-of-Ways
The objective of this Request to be Prequalified (Stage 1) is to develop a Prequalified List of Contractors, with the necessary experience, qualifications and resource availability to provide the Work to be issued via the Stage 2 procurement process. Contractors already prequalified under SQ-2017-CUS-011 do not need to submit for this Prequalification.
Metrolinx is issuing this SQ-2020-ENTS-072 to establish three (3) Prequalified Lists of Contractors to provide, as required by Metrolinx from time to time, railway track construction services for Metrolinx-owned Railway corridors and rail facilities on all corridors as further described herein.
Metrolinx intends to establish three (3) Prequalified Lists defined as follows:
Category A: Non-Main Track Construction Work;
Category B: Minor Main Track Construction Work; and
Category C: Major Main Track Construction Work.
Pre-qualification Submissions will be accepted until the Closing of 3:00 p.m., Monday July 20, 2020, via Metrolinx Merx Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) and will be opened by Metrolinx staff as soon as is practicable after the designated Closing.
Pre-qualification documents are available online at, Merx Reference Number,
Only those Proponents that Metrolinx has determined, in its sole discretion based on the Evaluation Criteria stated herein, to be qualified will be added to the Metrolinx Prequalified List of Contractors for the Work.