Call For Tenders
Tender No. RFP-2020-ITIN-263
Metrolinx is accepting Submissions for Provision of Marketing Automation and On The Go Alerts System
ELECTRONIC BID SUBMISSION will be accepted until May 13th, 2021 3:00 p.m. local time (EST).
***NOTE: ELECTRONIC BID SUBMISSION Your Submission for this opportunity must be sent to Metrolinx through the use of MetrolinxMERX EBS. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Submission using MetrolinxMERX EBS by the Closing, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Only Proponents who possess the following experience and qualifications will be considered for award of this Contract:
A.1 Form of Proposal
i. Each Submission must include a fully completed Form of Proposal, as provided in the Form of Proposal of this Proposal Document. The Form of Proposal should be included at the front of the Proponent’s Technical Submission and must be submitted by the E-Bid Authorized Signer.
ii. Proponents shall declare any conflicts of interest in Section 7 of the Form of Proposal. If Section 7 Conflict of Interest is left blank the provisions of Section 7(ii) shall apply.
A2. Attachment # 1 –Pricing Submission
i. Metrolinx is requesting Proponents to provide software engineering services to deliver MVP and MVP++ (future scope) with a Lean-Agile approach.
ii. Metrolinx is requesting hourly rates for the roles (in Attachment #1) required to deliver the solution for Marketing Automation and On the Go Alerts. For a detailed description of current state, future state, scope of services, and MVP description please refer to Appendix "A" – Scope of Services.
iii. Attachment #1 in the appended Excel file must be fully completed.
iv. Attachment # 1 – Pricing Submission must be submitted as a separate file preferably in Excel format and may not be retyped or recreated.
A3. The Proponent must confirm that the design will ensure that the data shall be hosted in Canada or USA.
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.