Call For Tenders
Tender No. PT-2021-BUSF-281
Metrolinx is accepting Submissions for the Provision of Rehabilitation Due to Corrosion of Multiple Rooftop Units at East Gwillimbury Bus Facility
A Mandatory Site Meeting will be held at 8 a.m. on July 21, 2021 at East Gwillimbury Bus Facility, 65 Garfield Wright Blvd, East Gwillimbury, ON.
The Bidder’s representative must e-mail the Procurement Officer to confirm attendance and provide the Release of Liability Form together with the Health Screening Form (COVID-19) attached by July 19, 2021 @ noon. Please refer to Section 3 of Instructions to Bidders in the Tender Document for complete details.
Failure of Contractor to be present and registered from the time the meeting is called to order until the meeting is adjourned will result in disqualification from the procurement process.
Contractors must wear hard hats, safety boots, safety vests and have safety glasses with them at the site meeting. Failure to satisfy these requirements will result in exclusion from the site.
Each Submission must be accompanied by a contract security in the form of a bid bond or certified cheque payable to Metrolinx.
ELECTRONIC BID SUBMISSION will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on August 10, 2021.
Your Submission for this opportunity must be sent to Metrolinx through the use of MetrolinxMERX EBS. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Submission using MetrolinxMERX EBS by the Closing, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Only Contractors who possess the following experience and qualifications will be considered for award of this Contract:
- satisfactorily completed or is satisfactorily performing in the sole opinion of Metrolinx, a contract for work similar in scope, magnitude and complexity as "the Work of this Contract";
- The Bidder shall provide the information requested in "Tender Document Form: Vendor Personnel" with the Submission.
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.