MERX Pre-Notice of Proposed Procurement by Metrolinx for New Fare Collection (NFC) and Systems Integration (SI) Solution and Services for the PRESTO 2022 Procurement Program
General Information and Background
Metrolinx is an agency of the Government of Ontario and oversees GO Transit, PRESTO, Rapid Transit Implementation (RTI) and the Union Pearson Express (UPE). Our goal is to create a transportation network that enhances the prosperity, sustainability, and quality of life for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GHTA).
PRESTO is Metrolinx’s fare payment system that seamlessly connects 11 transit agencies across the GTHA and Ottawa, with a mission to enable and encourage greater transit ridership. Metrolinx has embarked on an ambitious PRESTO modernization approach that will deliver a more convenient and flexible PRESTO payment network into the future. This transformation will meet the needs of our customers and transit agency partners and aligns with fare payment systems in other jurisdictions globally.
Central to this approach is PRESTO’s 2022 Procurement Program, that will replace parts of the services and systems currently run by Metrolinx’s incumbent supplier with new contracts segmented into various “lots”. This hugely exciting opportunity will transition the PRESTO system from its current monolithic and heavily customised platform, originally designed during PRESTO’s inception in 2006, to a multi-vendor and modern operating model. The result will enable Metrolinx to realize its Program objectives of a reduced total cost of ownership, improved outcomes for customers and clients, and enhanced future agility.
As the first step in a phased procurement, on February 2, 2021, Metrolinx issued a Request for Information (RFI) [Tender Reference # RFI-2020-PVMD-065] to seek market input. The extensive market interest generated from that process has helped to solidify the strategy of PRESTO’s 2022 Procurement Program.
We have now reached the execution phase of this ambitious program. On November 30, 2021, Metrolinx will issue a Stage 1 Request for Supplier Qualification (RFSQ) for the combined services of the New Fare Collection and Systems Integration lots. Suppliers will have an opportunity to respond by submitting proposals that best demonstrate how their business and technical portfolios, coupled with their experience deploying client and customer centric solutions, meet the overall objectives and outcomes of PRESTO’s 2022 Procurement Program.
Please be advised that the RFSQ will include minimum requirements for potential proponents, and that Metrolinx intends to shortlist qualified proponents against a published list of evaluation criteria to determine who will proceed to a Stage 2 Request for Proposal (RFP) round. As Metrolinx conducts its procurements in an open, fair and transparent manner, all respondents are asked to also comply with Metrolinx’s Conflict of Interest Policy, and are only permitted to address inquiries to Dave Marks, PRESTO Procurement Director, at the coordinates below during the communications blackout period (from when the RFSQ is released to the submission deadline, scheduled for January 17, 2022). We also wish to emphasize that failure to comply could result in the respondent being disqualified.
To help further inform on PRESTO’s 2022 Procurement Program, Metrolinx will host a Bidders' Conference in early December. Information will be included in the RFSQ. In addition to providing information regarding this NFC/SI RFSQ process, Metrolinx will also discuss follow-on RFPs for other lots of service, as detailed in the RFI published earlier this year.
To register for PRESTO’s 2022 Procurement Program Bidders' Conference, please contact Dave Marks. When registering for the Conference, interested proponents may also request an individual meeting with Metrolinx to occur following the Conference.
Proposed Issuance:
Metrolinx anticipates that the RFSQ (RQQ-2021-xxxx-xxx) will be issued on November 30, 2021.
Additional Information:
This pre-notice does not constitute a binding commitment on the part of Metrolinx to issue any or all of the referenced RFSQ or to proceed with any or all of the contemplated work. The statements and representations contained in this notice are not binding to Metrolinx. The contents of any RFSQ that may be issued may vary from the description of the product, services, and deliverables as provided in this pre-notice.
Contact Person:
Dave Marks
Director, PRESTO Procurement
Procurement Services, Finance Division
Telephone No.: 416-202-8478
Cell No.: 416-797-2352