Tender No. RQQ-2021-RUSR-549
Metrolinx is issuing this Request to Qualify and Quote to retain the services of a Vendor to provide the goods and/or services described herein.
Metrolinx is accepting Submissions for the provision of the Engineer of Record Services for Don Valley Layover and Rosedale Siding project over a forty-one (41) month term.
Metrolinx is a crown agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, reporting to the Ministry of Transportation. It was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). The Metrolinx mandate includes delivering the best possible transportation services today while leading the way to an even better, more convenient service tomorrow; making the best possible use of public transportation investment dollars; and measurably improving the quality of life in the region.
GO Rail Expansion is the largest transit infrastructure program in Canadian history. Once complete, the program will deliver two way all day 15-minute service across most of the GO network, with trains running up to 29% faster than today. GO Expansion will meet a growing travel demand and will also deliver electrification on over 680km of track, reducing noise and environmental impact. GO Expansion aims to double GO Rail’s Ridership, by 2055, to an annual ridership that will exceed 200 million.
On-Corridor (OnCorr) is the name for an operating and infrastructure procurement that is at the heart of GO Expansion. Metrolinx intends to develop the operating model which defines the details of how Metrolinx will work together to deliver a superior, expanding, and customer-focused rail service. Metrolinx must be ready for OnCorr to arrive and to ensure the success of GO Expansion.
Enabling (Early) Works projects have been developed as predecessors of the On Corridor (OnCorr) design and construction of infrastructure improvements at Union Station, in order to accommodate the anticipated growth of GO ridership.
The Don Valley Layover will be constructed adjacent to the Don Valley Parkway on the decommissioned Belleville subdivision on the east side of the Don River, beneath the Prince Edward Viaduct, beginning north of the Belleville pedestrian underpass and terminating south of the Half Mile bridge over Bayview Ave. The Don Valley Layover project will include reconstruction of track infrastructure from the Bala subdivision to the start of the layover facility, including replacement of the Don River bridge, a staff building, sanitary and maintenance storage building, and associated mechanical and electrical systems.
Rosedale Siding will be the removal and reconstruction of the Rosedale siding track stretching between mile 2.51 and mile 4.01 of the Bala subdivision with signal infrastructure to allow train speeds up to 35mph.
Don Branch will be removal and reconstruction of Don Branch track from approximately mile 209.50 to approximately mile 208.68 with signal infrastructure to allow train speeds of up to 35mph.
The objective of this Request to Qualify and Quote (RQQ) is to solicit proposals from Proponents for the provision of the Engineer of Record Services for Don Valley Layover and Rosedale Siding project over a forty-one (41) month term. The requirements are more particularly described in Scope of Work of this Request Document
ELECTRONIC BID SUBMISSION will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on January 28, 2022.
Your Submission for this opportunity must be sent to Metrolinx through the use of MetrolinxMERX EBS. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Submission using MetrolinxMERX EBS by the Closing, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
Only Consultant who possess the following experience and qualifications will be considered for award of this Contract:
(A) Ten (10) years of experience in project management of large scale (>$50 million) capital infrastructure projects, from project initiation to project closeout.
(B) Ten (10) years of experience in design, construction administration, system engineering, and testing and commissioning of large scale (>$50 million) capital infrastructure projects, from project initiation to project closeout, including but not limited to:
I) Layover facilities;
II) Bridge (river rail-crossing) works;
III) Track & signal work;
IV) Heavy civil, earthworks and grading construction;
V) Landscaping and horticulture design; and
VI) Working within an active rail corridor environment concurrent with railway operations.
VII) Successful management of multiple external stakeholder.
(C) Ten (10) years of experience in technical inspection services in disciplines including, but not limited to:
I) Civil works,
II) Bridge works;
III) Earthworks and grading;
IV) Environmental compliance; and
V) Track & signals.
(D) Ten (10) years of experience working with Municipalities and Conservation Authorities in Environmentally Sensitive Areas.
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.