Professional Services
Request for Information
Solicitation Number: RFI-2022-ITIN-101
Computer-Aided Dispatch / Automatic Vehicle Location (CAD/AVL)
One of the key tenets of Metrolinx’s mission is the provision of access to fast, frequent, and reliable transportation. The Computer-Aided Dispatch / Automatic Vehicle Location (CAD/AVL) functionality has been a critical enabler in providing this to customers. CAD/AVL systems are solutions for modern transit systems to optimize and manage fleet operations in real time, while providing data for passengers with up-to-date information about their service, tracking vehicle location, schedules and enabling post-operational analytics.
With the advent of new technology and evolved processes since the implementation of the inaugural and current CAD/AVL system, Metrolinx is looking to gather information in order to better understand the technological landscape and possibilities currently in the market. Metrolinx is seeking a forward-thinking solution that provides the following services or functionalities (listed below) at minimum:
- Operational control and optimization: ability to monitor, track and make decisions on vehicles and resources in live time.
- Data and system integration: accurate and timely service data is generated and integrated with scheduling, live service information and forecasts.
- Agile platforms and devices: sustainable and efficient hardware and applications.
RFI documents are available online at
Responses to the RFI will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. EST on July 14, 2022 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at the Metrolinx MERX Portal.
Proponents must download the tender documents from the Metrolinx MERX Portal in order for their submission to be considered. Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all submissions at its sole discretion.