Professional Services
Request to Qualify and Quote
Solicitation Number: RQQ-2022-SADV-656
Drug and Alcohol Testing Services
Metrolinx is committed to preserving the health and safety of all employees, the communities we serve, and members of the public who may use Metrolinx services or otherwise be affected by Metrolinx services. In order to minimize the risk of unsafe performance of duties due to drug or alcohol use, or the use and misuse of potentially impairing medications, employees are expected to report to work fit for duty and to remain fit while on duty. Metrolinx has established a comprehensive Fit for Duty Policy which includes drug and/or alcohol testing. In order to fulfil its obligations, Metrolinx requires the services of one contractor, on an as requested basis, to provide laboratory and collection services (mobile collection, on-site dedicated collectors, and fixed site locations) as well as to provide third party administrator services through a Medical Review Officer.
The objective of this Request to Qualify and Quote (RQQ) is to solicit proposals from Proponents for the provision of Drug and Alcohol Testing Services over a two (2) year contract term. The requirements are more particularly described in Scope of Work of the RQQ Document
RQQ documents are available online at
Responses to the RQQ will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. EST on August 17, 2022 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at the Metrolinx MERX Portal.
Proponents must download the tender documents from the Metrolinx MERX Portal in order for their submission to be considered. Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all submissions at its sole discretion.