Call For Tenders
Tender No. PT-2022-CCPC-606
Metrolinx is accepting Submissions for Ontario Line Advanced Works – Site Preparation in Don Valley Area
Please respond with intend to bid via Merx.
A Optional Site Meeting will be held at the Northwest Corner of 42 Overlea Boulevard (Costco Thorncliffe Park) (See Location in Instructions Below) on Monday, March 27, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. (EST)
Date and Time: Refer to Section 3.1(b) Tender Timetable herein.
Location: Walmsley Brook Crossing and West Don Crossing (see location in Instructions below)
Directions: From Overlea Boulevard: Turn north on Thorncliffe Park Dr and proceed to Pat Moore Drive. Turn left (west) at Pat Moore Drive and proceed west to the northwest corner of 42 Overlea Boulevard (Costco Thorncliffe Park) parking lot.
Instructions: Optional site meeting to commence at 10:00 a.m. Initial meeting will be held at the northwest corner of 42 Overlea Boulevard (Costco Thorncliffe Park) parking lot.
Subsequent visit of locations across the project sites will be directed following the initial meeting.
Failure of Bidders to be present and registered from the time the meeting is called to order until the meeting is adjourned will result in disqualification from the procurement process.
Bidders must wear hard hats, safety boots, safety vests and have safety glasses with them at the site meeting. Failure to satisfy these requirements will result in exclusion from the site.
Please be advised that, as per the October 1, 2019 changes to the Construction Act, RSO 1990, c C30, the Terms and Conditions in the Form of Tender for this solicitation contain new requirements.
Each Submission must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the amount of $ 600,000 in the form of a bid bond or certified cheque payable to Metrolinx.
ELECTRONIC BID SUBMISSION will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on April 21, 2023, Toronto, Ontario Time.
Your Submission for this opportunity must be sent to Metrolinx through the use of MetrolinxMERX EBS. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Submission using MetrolinxMERX EBS by the Closing, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
- Only the Submissions of qualified Bidders will be considered for acceptance by Metrolinx. In order to be considered qualified, the Bidder shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Metrolinx in the sole discretion of Metrolinx, that the Bidder has:
- satisfactorily completed Three (3) contracts for work similar in scope, magnitude and complexity as "the Work of this Contract"; including:
- At least three (3) grading projects of similar scope, valued over $3.0 million; of which, at least one (1) project shall include access road grading.
- achieved at least one (1) of the following safety requirements:
- CORTM Certified status with the Infrastructure Health and Safety Association (IHSA); or
- ISO 45001 certification; or
- Out-of-Province COR™ Reciprocity (for bidding purposes only) through IHSA. For more information on COR™ Reciprocity please reference the IHSA website at
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.