MERX Pre-Notice
Metrolinx is an agency of the Government of Ontario and oversees GO Transit, PRESTO, Rapid Transit Implementation (RTI) and the Union Pearson Express (UPE). Our goal is to create a transportation network that enhances the prosperity, sustainability and quality of life for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
Metrolinx intends to issue a Request for Proposals to select vendors to supply a Vehicle Point of Sale solution including Driver Control Unit (“DCU”) and—at Metrolinx’s sole discretion— a suitable Fare Transaction Processor (“FTP”) device family, which can be integrated with PRESTO fare payment systems onboard public transit vehicles (“BFTP”), onboard light rail (“LFTP”) and at outdoor stations (“SFTP”), as well as related design, development, installation and maintenance services. The vendor’s solution will be integrated into PRESTO’s central system for transaction processing, settlement, reporting, monitoring, etc.
The intent is that the DCU will provide the following functionality:
- Bus driver interface;
- Printer for issuing bar-coded tickets;
- Optical scanner for validation of tickets printed with a barcode;
- Near Field Communications (“NFC”) card reader(s) that are ISO-14443 compliant to support PRESTO cards and contactless Europay Mastercard Visa (“EMV”) credit and debit cards to be used as funding sources when purchasing tickets and PRESTO products;
- EMV & PCI compliant hardware and software; and
- When being monitored by the driver, have the ability to display information about the last tap made with a PRESTO card on the bus’s PRESTO Fare Transaction Processor (BFTP).
The FTP must enable the following high-level functions:
- Process ISO-14443 compliant contactless cards to support PRESTO cards, Ultralite C disposable fare media NFC and EMV credit and debit cards;
- EMV & PCI compliant hardware;
- Passenger-facing display & audio; and
- Ability to run PRESTO Device Software (“PDS”) with access to device peripherals.
The scope also includes device-related services, such as:
- Design, development, supply and installation of the DCU on public transit vehicles across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) at transit agency facilities.
- Ongoing first, second- and third-line maintenance for the DCU and FTPs and any associated vendor supplied firmware and software that is embedded and forms part of the DCU. For the purposes of this Request for Proposals, a reference to “DCU” shall mean vendor-supplied hardware, firmware and software.
Proposed Issuance:
Metrolinx anticipates that the Requests for Proposals will be issued in summer 2017. Interested proponents are encouraged to monitor the MERX website for additional information relating to this proposed procurement.
The selected proponent under the Request for Proposals will be required to enter into a non-exclusive agreement with Metrolinx for the provision of the services.
Additional Information:
This pre-notice does not constitute a binding commitment on the part of Metrolinx to issue any or all of the referenced Request for Proposals or to proceed with any or all of the contemplated work. The statements and representations contained in this notice are not binding on Metrolinx. The contents of any Request for Proposals that may be issued may vary from the description of the product, services, and deliverables as provided in this pre-notice.
Contact Person:
Nancy Rousseau
Procurement Specialist, Information Technology & Managed Services
Procurement Services
Telephone No.: 416-202-5840