Call For Proposals
Request for Proposal No. RFP-2017-VM-008
Metrolinx is accepting Proposals for Integration and Interface (IIT) Testing Services
The purpose of this RFP is to solicit bids from qualified Proponents to establish a cost-effective robust Integration and Interface Testing (IIT) program and accompanying services to support faster time-to-market and enhanced quality. PRESTO Testing is looking for a partner to assist and mature the IIT area by providing skilled Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and best-in-class testing processes and practices.
PRESTO is an automated fare collection system that allows customers, using a single contactless fare card, to access eleven (11) transit systems in the Greater Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa areas that provide multiple modes of transit (e.g. buses, subways, trains). PRESTO is intended to increase transit ridership and operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and support the ever-increasing demand for intra and inter regional transit integration through the use of a single fare medium.
The PRESTO system consists of software and hardware components and services. The delivery of new features and changes to the PRESTO system entails a project-based approach to initiate, budget and develop the changes, and a release-based approach to bundle, test and coordinate the changes into production. The PRESTO Testing team works with both the Project and the Release teams to ensure all changes designed and developed meet strict and high quality standards through the testing process
The objective of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to select a service provider for the provision of three distinct set of services, namely:
- Setting-up, maintaining / supporting and operating software testing tools for the PRESTO central back office and device software releases;
- One-time conversion of test scripts to work with the automated testing tools; and
- Ongoing test management services, including test preparation, coordination / execution and defect management.
The specific details of the scope and requirements are described in Appendix “B” – Scope of Services of the RFP Document.
Responses to the Request for Proposal will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. EST on September 12, 2017 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at MERX.