Request For Information
Request for Information No. RFI-2017-ACS-018
Metrolinx is accepting Requests for Information (RFI) for Enhancing the GO – Niagara Experience
Metrolinx is a crown agency created by the Government of Ontario that champions and delivers mobility solutions which connect people, places and communities throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area region. Metrolinx plays a critical role in planning and delivering a seamless, integrated transit network allowing people to use public transit to travel easily from Niagara to Newmarket to Oshawa. Metrolinx operates GO Transit, the regional public transit system, UP Express, the rail service from Union to Pearson Airport, and PRESTO, an electronic fare card that allows riders to transfer seamlessly across multiple transit systems.
More than 303,000 people travel on GO Transit vehicles on an average day; about 268,000 on train and 35,500 on buses.
Metrolinx, through this Expression of Interest (“EOI”), is seeking promotional partners for the 2018 summer season (contract term ending on or before Oct 9, 2018), to offset operating costs, enhance the customer experience, grow awareness of the Niagara Services, and drive ridership.
Support from Metrolinx could include, but is not limited to, access to a wide breadth of Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area customers through advertising, integrated and co-branded messaging & promotions, on-train activations, and other initiatives that surprise and delight customers along their journey throughout the holiday season.
Proposal Documents are available online at, Solicitation No RFI-2017-ACS-018. Proponents are urged to select automatic notification of addenda issuance when registering on MERX.
It is the Proponent’s responsibility to ensure receipt of copies of all addenda issued. Information concerning the number of addenda issued and the date of issue of the most recent addendum can be found at
Responses to the Request for Information will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 24, 2018 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at MERX.
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.