Consultant Assignment
Call For Tender
Request No. RQQ-2018-CS-198
Provision of Security Services at 97 Front Street – Front Desk
Metrolinx is accepting bids (“Requests”) for the Provision of Security Services at 97 Front Street – Front Desk as described in this Request Document as required by Metrolinx.
Request enquiries and other communications are to be directed to the procurement representative Dan Doyle at (416) 202-7851,
Request submissions will be accepted until the Closing of 3:00 p.m., October 8, 2018, via Merx electronic bid submission (EBS) and will be opened by Metrolinx staff as soon as is practicable after the designated Closing. Details on where and when vendors can obtain information on bids received, will be made available on Metrolinx’s website.
Please note, effective Monday, February 10th, 2014 for any newly issued tenders Metrolinx will no longer be conducting Public Openings.
The Security Firm must demonstrate that it possesses the following experience and qualifications:
- Minimum of ten (10) years’ of experience performing work similar in scope, magnitude and complexity sought by Metrolinx in this tender;
- Security staff that have valid security guard licenses under the Private Securities & Investigative Services Act of Ontario and valid Standard First Aid and CPR level “C” certifications;;
- The Proponent shall provide five (5) reference projects of similar size and complexity.