Consultant Assignment
Call For Request to Qualify and Quote
Request No. RQQ-2018-RCDV-262
Consultant Assignment for Surveying of Metrolinx Railway Right of way
Metrolinx is accepting bids (“Requests”) to retain the services of a Vendor to provide the services for the Digital 3D surveying of Metrolinx’s Railway Right of way across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), as more particularly described in this Request Document as required by Metrolinx, Rail Corridor Maintenance Survey Project.
Request enquiries and other communications are to be directed to the procurement representative Rachael Yiu at (416) 202-5551,
Request submissions will be accepted until the Closing of 3:00 p.m., Friday, December 21, 2018, via Merx electronic bid submission (EBS) and will be opened by Metrolinx staff as soon as is practicable after the designated Closing. Details on where and when vendors can obtain information on bids received, will be made available on Metrolinx’s website.
Your Submission for this opportunity must be sent to Metrolinx through the use of MERX EBS. Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their Submission using MERX EBS by the Closing, in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders.
The Corporate Firm must demonstrate that it possesses the following experience and qualifications:
- The Proponent should demonstrate its experience in performing work similar in scope, magnitude and complexity as the Scope of Work stated in this Request Document, by including a detailed description of the Corporate Firms qualifications and experience including but not limited to:
- Ten (10) years of experience in project management of complex surveying projects value over $500,000.
- Five (5) years of experience working within a Railway Right of way.
Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.