Request For Information
Request for Information No. RFI-2020-LCLO-066
Metrolinx is accepting Requests for Information (RFI) for Bus Route Operator
Metrolinx, an agency of the Government of Ontario under the Metrolinx Act, 2006, was created to improve the coordination and integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (“GTHA”). The organization’s mission is to champion, develop and implement an integrated transportation system for our region that enhances prosperity, sustainability, and quality of life.
In 2009, GO Transit became part of Metrolinx to combine both organizations’ expertise in strategy, planning, operations, and implementation of building rapid transit projects faster and better, and improving the customer experience. GO Transit is the regional public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. GO’s distinctive green and white fleet (including trains and buses) serve a population of more than seven million across more than 11,000 square km stretching from Hamilton and Kitchener-Waterloo in the west to Newcastle and Peterborough in the east, and from Orangeville and Beaverton in the north to Niagara Falls in the south.
To support progress towards the strategic objectives defined in the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), Metrolinx is considering Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements and evaluating the role of partnerships to support the agency’s current and future bus service delivery. The objective of the partnerships is to foster the long-term provision of customer centered intercommunity transportation options that are commercially viable for the Partners and reduce costs to Metrolinx.
Currently, Metrolinx is seeking to understand the viability of leveraging partnership models to deliver some regional bus services. This RFI is intended to gather valuable industry feedback on specific aspects of possible partnership arrangements and agreement terms.
Metrolinx is therefore seeking to understand how Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements could assist in providing the optimal overall regional bus service in the GTHA within the agency's mandate. Alternative Service Delivery Arrangements may be implemented through the delivery of individual routes or entire bundles with selected Partner(s).
Proposal Documents are available online at, Solicitation No RFI-2020-LCLO-066. Proponents are urged to select automatic notification of addenda issuance when registering on MERX.
It is the Proponent’s responsibility to ensure receipt of copies of all addenda issued. Information concerning the number of addenda issued and the date of issue of the most recent addendum can be found at
Responses to the Request for Information will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. on July 23, 2021 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at MERX.
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Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all Submissions at its sole discretion.