Solicitation Number: RFP-2017-TPI-014
Supply and Install of an On-Board Video Surveillance System
The Metrolinx, Transit Procurement Initiative (TPI) fulfills Metrolinx’s legislated mandate to act as the central procurement agency for the joint procurement of local transit system vehicles, equipment, technologies and facilities and related supplies and services on behalf of Ontario municipalities.
In response to a client survey, TPI coordinated a brainstorming session for interested municipal transit agencies to discuss the benefits, opportunities and challenges of On-Board Video Surveillance systems for small and medium transit agencies.
The objective of this Request for Proposal is to acquire a Supplier which will provide and implement an On-Board Video Surveillance System for conventional and paratransit buses. The Supplier will furnish necessary equipment and perform all installations, testing, training, repairs, technical support and other services necessary for the proper, timely and satisfactory completion of the implementation of the system components, which will be selected by each of the participated municipalities’ purchasers.
Request for Proposal documents are available online at, Solicitation Number RFP-2017-TPI-014.
Responses to the RFP will be accepted until 3:00 p.m. ET on September 21, 2017 through Electronic Bid Submission (EBS) at Metrolinx MERX Portal.
Proponents must download the RFP documents from MERX in order for their submission to be considered. Metrolinx reserves the right to reject any or all submissions at its sole discretion.